Sunday, July 31, 2011

My last year of ceramics is coming up shortly and I've been attempting to visualize my sculptural project. My project will be using examples of real life leviathans because of their long existences on our planet and they shall have the visual wear that the world creates. I'm going to attempt them in a white body clay (likely porcelain) and try to have it electroplated in sections to show the collecting of pollution and change like barnacles growing slowly.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Terrace Princess

Reality isn't near the dreams we conjure up. A sad princess sits in a dream terrace pondering her existence and what to do to move strongly forward.

A quick sketch in watercolour from my sketchbook I did as a study for an oil painting I'm working on.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Life Drawing

These are some life drawings I did a couple months back and just came across again while I was reviewing my sketchbook. I tried to pay especial attention to more than just the figure to make more of a whole image. These are likely done in 2b to 4b which is what I generally sketch with. These are the work of around an hour or so each. I believe the costumed woman is about an hour and a half while the golfing gentleman is around 45 minutes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Learning

Just some more playing with painter to see what comes from it. This is photo reference from a shot of my sister. I called it quits for the night when my computer went wonky on me, again.

Note: This is a really basic block in with me mashing keys to see which ones are hot keys.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wake up and Corel

This is a warm up I did while teaching myself Corel Painter yesterday. So far it seems the most effective(maybe just fun) way to find the hot keys is to push every button on my keyboard.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Corel Painter

Hello! I just downloaded the trial version of corel painter so expect to see a couple of experiments up here in the next few weeks.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mini Moleskins

While I was flipping through some of my old sketchbooks the other day I stumbled across an old sketch that I had wanted to make into a cover for one of my mini moleskins. I grabbed my little water colour palette and whipped it up as a warm up to a further day of creativity (I had to do some writing). Here's the new and the old that it originally went with. The princess is the new and the cowboy is the old.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Zombie Prompt 002

The second zombie prompt being the word 'middle.' A quick and dirty image.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pink Princess Painting Session 3

I got to have a third sitting. Its just now starting to come together a bit so I"m hoping for one to two more sittings in this pose. Two would be ideal, three would be heaven.

Zombie Prompt Project

Prompt 001: Beginnings

Another drawing companion and myself are doing prompts each work to get our creativity going again. Our theme is zombies and we're working off a word prompt list. Here goes.

I was thinking about eggs. I think I spent about an hour on both the sketches and the colour quickie.